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Privacy Policy

Last Updated: March 3, 2021

The privacy of users of this website is respected. This Privacy Policy transparently explains how information is collected, used, disclosed and safeguarded when you visit this website.

List of topics:


Welcome to the MiraFun Games website (the “Site”). MiraFun Games is a website about a computer games (“Games”).

This Privacy Policy explains what data is collected when you use this Site and/or Games, why data is collected, used, disclosed and how it is safeguarded.

Information Collected

When you use the Site, information about yourself that could identify you (“Personal Information”) can be collected as described below.

Personal Information That You Enter Through the Site: When you create an account, login, or request a service, such as resetting your forgotten password, the following Personal Information can be collected:

  • Email address
  • Account password

Automatically Collected Data: The Site can automatically collect information about the device which you use to access and use the Site or Games (e.g logs data, cookies). This information includes the browser and operating system that your device claims to use, IP address and date and time of access. Refer to “Cookies and Local Storage” section below to find out more about how cookies and similar technologies are used by the Site and Games.

How is the collected information used

To provide account creation, login and account management functionality: Information provided through the registration form are used to create a new account and are collected to provide log in functionality. Email address provided is used for account management purposes (e.g.: to allow you to reset your password in case you have forgotten it).

To enable user-to-user communication: Your information may be used in other to allow communication between users.

To protect the Site and Games: The Site and Games can use collected information in order to protect it from unintended use (e.g.: denial of service attacks…).

Sharing and Disclosure

Your information may be shared, as described below:

  • Vendors and Service Providers: In order to provide the operation of the Site and Games, data may be shared with third party vendors, service provides who perform services and functions such as: email delivery, hosting services, customer support service, web analytics.
  • Business Transfers: The collected information may be shared or transferred in transition of service to another provider.
  • Third-party Advertisers: Third-party advertising companies, such as Google, may be used to serve ads when you use the Site, which may use information about your visits to the Site and other websites that are stored in web cookies or other tracking technologies in order to provide ads about goods and services of your interest. See “Cookies and Local Storage” section for more information.
  • Other users: When you share personal information (e.g: by posting a message), such personal information may be viewed by all users. Your account username can also be viewed by other users on the Site or Games.


Reasonable security measures are used to protect Personal Information from loss, unauthorized access, disclosure and modification. However, the Internet is not guaranteed to be fully secure, thus no warranty of the security of information you provide can be ensured.

Cookies and Local Storage

The Site uses cookies. A cookies is a piece of data send to your device from the Site and depending on your browser, may be stored on your device's disk. Cookies can help a website to identify repeated use of the Site, identify whether a user is logged in and track web usage. The Site uses cookies to remember whether the user is logged in.

Types of cookies and similar technologies that is used is described below:

  • Login/Session: A temporary cookie is used when you login to remember who logged in. Without this cookies the Site login functionality would not work.
  • Cookie Notice: A cookies is used to store the status of the cookies notice. If you press the OK button on Cookie Notice, this choice is remembered with this cookie.
  • Local Storage Cache: Part of the Site contains dynamic content. This content contains game information about your account. In order to provide such information to you faster, to minimize bandwidth use and the load of the servers, this information is cached with the use of local storage.
  • Third-party Cookies: Google's use of advertising cookies enables it and its partners to serve ads to your users based on their visit to your sites and/or other sites on the Internet.

First party Cookie List:

NecessaryisessionServer session ID that remembers that you are logged in.
Necessary_xRemembers cookie bar preference and login status.

Your Choice about Cookies

You can view your options to manage Cookies through the menu bar of your browser. Most browsers can let you disable or delete Cookies or alert you when Cookies are sent to your device.

Users may opt out of personalized advertising by visiting and/or For more information you can see: and/or and/or the Network Advertising Initiative's online resources at

You can set your browser to refuse some or all cookies or let you know when a website sets or accesses a cookies. If you disable cookies, please note that parts of this website may not function properly.

Other Terms And Conditions

The use of the Site and Games is subject to Terms of Service.

Privacy Policy Changes

This Privacy Policy may be changed at any time. Changes of the Privacy Policy will be posted on this page. By continuing to use the Site and Games, you are fine with and agree with the changed Privacy Policy.


If you have any questions, see the contact page.